Nine is Not Enough

Nine is Not Enough

After a man rescues a frail lone mountain lion cub, he and his family nurse it back to health, and while raising the cougar, experience many exciting and dangerous adventures over the years…

Derry found the tiny, starving cub when it was only one, maybe two months old, along a precarious hiking trail, not often traveled. Its fur noticeably patchy, as if it had been attacked by a larger, more aggressive predator at least once. The little cougar’s ribs were clearly visible and it panted heavily, laboriously, trying to catch its breath while visibly craving water. It cried out for help with a desperate, weak screech that sounded more like a newborn child’s distressed wail than a wild animal. The tiny panther was a pathetic sight, as it writhed in pain, struggling to stay upright on its wobbly paws.

The cub was all alone, afraid, and suffering from exposure to the elements, shivering in the damp cold that blanketed the entire mountain range. Derry cautiously approached the abandoned creature, knowing that any misstep or misconstrued gesture could frighten it just enough to cause it to run away and hide where it may not be found until it was too late to save its precious life. But, he was determined to help the injured cat, taking great care not to suddenly scare it off.

When he crouched near the little thing, it barely moved, a clear sign it was over-exhausted and perhaps, that it did not feel threatened. Derry gently cradled the apparent weanling in his arms, holding it snugly against his chest, in an attempt to imitate its mother’s behavior. He spoke softly to the wild feline, reassuring the hurt kitty he was only there to help.

His actions and words seemed to work. The petite puma cuddled in his embrace, its nervous shaking subsiding as he gingerly petted it on the head. Derry immediately got the little creature away from the open terrain, finding temporary refuge under a big tree, offering it water from his canteen, and a few bites of homemade jerky. But, it barely drank or ate anything.

The kind man looked its body over carefully, trying to determine the extent of its injuries. He attended to its wounds to the best of his abilities with what he carried for emergency situations, then carried the animal all the way back to town, bringing it to the local doctor, who kindly agreed to examine the pint-sized cat and give his best prognosis.

“What’s it look like, doc?”

“Not good. Not good, at all, I’m afraid. As far as I can tell, this little fellow has been through a lot over the last couple of weeks. Definitely malnourished, that’s for sure. And, it’s been attacked – probably more than once. At this point, it will be a long, hard struggle for this cub to survive at all. I’d say it’s time to stop its suffering now.”

“Sure hate not to give it my best try. Tell me, how do I handle this situation?”

“Well, my recommendation, if you’re so determined, is to nurse it as best you can tonight and take little thing to Hugh Keene tomorrow.”

“Who is Hugh Keene?”

“He’s the only veterinarian in the territory. He’ll have a much better idea of how to proceed than I do. But, I warn you, it all might well be for naught.”

Derry knew the juvenile cougar’s condition was dire – that he could easily surmise on his own. However, he didn’t expect to hear such awful news. Still, if there was a chance, it was worth a try. After all, what would his unborn child think of him? It was a thought he couldn’t bear and so he followed the doctor’s advice, taking the kitten home with him first.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes, dear. It’s a baby panther.”

“My, it looks terrible!”

“Yeah, I just came from the doctor’s office. He recommended taking it to Hugh Keene, a veterinarian.”

“Before you go dragging this poor little baby all across the county, let me take care of a few things first.”

Derry’s wife wasn’t the typical farmer’s daughter. Hannah loved animals of all kinds and hated the indifference and cruelty of day-to-day farm life. It was one she knew all too well, having grown up on a midwestern stead. She appreciated nature and being pregnant herself, her maternal instinct kicked in immediately. In no time at all, she had the tiny cat suckling from a bottle of milk.

Hannah swaddled the feral feline in a cozy blanket and fed it a little more of her husband’s jerky. But, it seemed like its condition wasn’t improving very much, despite drinking fresh milk and eating hardy protein. So, the very next morning, early before sunrise, Derry set off with the pitiful puma to the only veterinarian around.

“Local doc says it’s malnourished, what do you think?”

“I have to concur. This poor boy is in very rough condition. I’d say, it’s only got a few days, maybe a week, at best. Too bad, it’s only about six weeks old – such a short amount of time.”

Derry didn’t like what he heard and asked what could be done. The vet told him it would take a lot of dedication and work to rehabilitate the animal back to health and gave him all the details about how to take care of it. The kind-hearted rescuer listened closely and even jotted down some notes to share with his wife Hannah. When he got back home, the couple spoke it over and decided to do all they could.

The first few days weren’t easy and at times, it seemed like the abandoned or orphaned kitty wouldn’t make it. But, by the time a week went by, things turned around for the better and the cat slowly recovered over the following month. It had beaten the odds and cheated death, giving it the opportunity to live a long, happy life. But, the couple had no idea what they were in for. Although, they’d find out soon enough.

The next few weeks saw marked improvement in almost every measure. The cub was now about three months old, weighing approximately twenty pounds and full of energy. Every day, it was something new but Hannah didn’t mind, as the little guy gave her a lot of comfort during her pregnancy. Still, there were trying times.

“Oh my! Is that one of the pillows off our bed, you little imp?” Hannah asked, picking up pieces of stuffing off the floor and examining a torn cover. “Now, that’s not how we behave in this house! Keep up this rambunctious streak and I’ll put you out on the porch to sleep, instead of that nice comfy bed I sewed for you!”

“What’s it now, dear?”

“Oh Derry, I’m glad you’re home. This one is more than a handful! Just look at what he’s done to this pillow!”

“Well, I suppose it’s time to release him back to the wild, then.”

“We can’t do that. I mean, this is all he knows. Besides, he wouldn’t stand a chance in the wild, he’s been domesticated.”

“Domesticated, you say?”

“Yes. He’s like a little member of our family!”

“But, he’s still got that hunting instinct!”

“Does he?”

“Hannah, this morning before I left, it was a mouse; yesterday, it was a bird. And, he’s certainly no stranger to mischief, either!”

“Okay, so he’s a tad rowdy now and again, but that’s how little boys act!”

“Well, if we’re going to keep him, we ought to give him a name, I suppose. How about Lorcan? Or, Lorrie for short?”

“That sounds like something your dad or grandfather would suggest, Derry.”

“Well, they were both Irishmen and used it all the time when I was a boy. I believe it means ‘little fierce one’ and that fits this mischievous fellow to a tee!”

“All right, he even looks like a Lorcan! What do you think, little one?”

The feisty feline meowed, seemingly giving its approval, then quickly turned its attention to noises coming from outside, hopping up onto the nearest window sill to gaze out and investigate the source. A split second later, he leaped onto the floor and ran out the door, hastily making his way to the nearest tree, where he climbed up and hid on a branch, behind a thick cluster of leaves for the perfect camouflage.

It had already become a familiar behavior to Hannah and Derry, who found quite a lot of joy in watching Lorrie’s hijinks. But, the very same habits would sometimes get the curious cat into trouble. One particular instance would happen shortly after Hannah gave birth to their first and only child, a healthy, bouncing baby boy they named Joey.

“Derry, is that you?”

“Yes, dear, just getting home now!”

“You’re right on time – dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Sounds great, smells delicious, too.”

“Why don’t you come here in the kitchen and I’ll give you a taste?”

“All right, be there in a moment…I’ve just got something to attend to first.”

Hannah knew that excuse, she heard it enough before to recognize her husband was up to something. But, she didn’t know what it was this time. So, she carefully made her way out of the kitchen to sneak a peek. Derry was holding something, desperately looking for a place to hide it momentarily. She snuck closer and could hear him whispering something to their infant son, who let out a big giggle.

“Okay, what’s going on here?”

“Oh, I’m just funnin’ with the little tike here.”

“Uh-huh? And, what praytell, is it you’re covering up, there?”

“I’m not concealin’ anything, dear!”

“Donovan Joseph McCray! Let me see!”

Derry slowly turned toward his wife, coyly obscuring the object in his arms, their son laughing at all the commotion and delighted by what he saw his father holding.

“Donovan! Is that a puppy?!”

“Well, you’ve always said a boy needs a dog!”

“Yes, but, he’s got Lorrie! That cat hasn’t left his side onesingle night since he’s been born. I think that cougar believes our child is his cub!”

“I know, I know, dear. But, this little guy here can be a playmate to both Joey and to Lorrie!”

“That’s all I need in this house, Derry, another ruffian boy!”

Hannah’s protest was a clever disguise. She loved having a full house, given her fertility condition. She and Derry had tried for well over a year to have Joey and had almost given up hope. The likelihood of her becoming pregnant again was very slim, almost impossible, according to her doctor, especially as she aged. Besides, Derry was right – a puppy – who they named Paddy, would make the perfect mate for Lorcan and Joey alike. And, the three would quickly become best friends. What’s more, the puma and canine were quite protective of the couple’s child. A bond that would come in handy more than once.

The winter months quickly gave way to spring and the crisp air swept through the McCray residence, the windows and doors wide open, filling the house with the aroma of blossoming flowers and the delightful chorus of chirping birds, singing their cheerful songs. Hannah worked diligently, going about her daily cleaning routine as Joey played with his favorite toys on a cushy blanket right in the middle of the living room.

Lorcan and Paddy played enthusiastically outside, chasing one another all over the McCary acreage, enjoying the fresh air and the freedom of a boundless, bright blue sky without a single cloud floating above. Meanwhile, Hannah hummed along with the sounds of nature, carrying a quilt out the back door to hang it on the clothesline.

As she flung the quilt over the taut line strung between two sturdy trees, an unwelcome visitor serpentined across the front porch and through the open front door. The lengthy, oily reptile fixed its attention on the blissfully ignorant child, stealthily slithering toward the baby, its forked tongue thrusting in and out of its closed mouth, seeking out a tempting smell.

The venomous ophidian quietly wound its way into the residence, slinking tightly against the furniture to avoid detection, closing in on its tiny human victim, whose back was turned toward the serpent when suddenly, Lorcan pounced from behind the snake, putting his body between the boy and the reptile, warning the intruder off with an angry hiss, alerting Hannah to the impending danger.

The snake, surprised by the intervention, coiled up into a striking position, hissing back in defiance. Lorcan growled, forcibly batting at the attacker with its claws fully extended. The fight was on and Paddy joined in, barking at the reptile as the cougar crouched, ready to jump at any second. The snake struck, sinking its fangs into the panther, who instantaneously responded with a fiercer growl, lunging at the intruder, clenching the aggressor in his jaws with one targeted counter strike. The serpent’s lifeless body went limp immediately, as Hannah picked up her child, hugging the boy tight. She quickly looked her baby over, ensuring he wasn’t hurt, then turned her attention to Lorrie’s poisoned bite.

“It was a close one, I’m not going to lie to you, Mrs. McCray. But, it looks like your cat will be just fine. Now, he’ll be groggy for at least a few days. Although, that’s normal for such a kind of recovery. He’ll be back to his old self in less than a week, I expect. Just make sure he’s got plenty of water, he’ll be thirstier than usual.”

“Thank you, Doctor Keene, I appreciate all your help!”

“He sure is protective of your little nipper, there.”

“Yes, he is. By the way, just how big is he now?”

“Oh, right around 45 pounds. So, he’s still got quite a ways to go.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep. If he’s healthy, he’ll probably weigh about two hundred pounds, maybe more, when he hits adulthood. Likely seven to eight feet from nose to tail, about three feet tall at the shoulders…a long, long way off from where he started when your husband first brought him to me.”

“My – that is big!”

Doctor Keene was right, Lorcan grew substantially over the next few months. By the time the year was over, he was nearly one hundred pounds. But, he wouldn’t reach full maturity until he was almost three years old. The catamount and dog were practically inseparable by this point and they loved playing with their boy Joey, who always enjoyed their company.

The McCray house was routinely filled with love and positive energy because Hannah and Derry were as happy as any couple could be. They all spent quality time together, always eating as a family, with Lorrie and Paddy patiently waiting under the table for a few tasty scraps. While enjoying one such meal on an otherwise uneventful evening, a clamorous ruckus erupted outside, prompting Paddy and Lorcan to perk up and peek out the nearest window together, attentively pointing their ears in the direction of the unknown pandemonium.

Derry recognized the noise right away – coyotes. They were teamed up in a hunting pack and were out for prey. And, the best opportunity was right on the McCray property – a chicken coop filled with new hatchlings and plenty of eggs for effortless poaching. A true delight to the cunning canines, who were attempting to get past the wire and into the fowls’ pen. The wild dogs pawed and chewed at any weak spot they could find, as Derry ran into the master bedroom to retrieve his shotgun.

But, before he could get the rifle off the top shelf of the closet and shells out of the box from the opposite end, Lorrie bolted out the front door, charging the predators, with Paddy following right behind. A couple of the coyotes became backed into a corner, unable to flee due to a tall wood fence there as a backstop, in case the chickens got out of the enclosure. Cornered with no escape, the wild dogs teamed up on the cougar, who stood his ground.

The brush-wolves snapped, growled, and showed their teeth to intimidate the panther, who countered with a fuming hiss and a ferocious growl. A savage scuffle ensued, the two cornered coyotes attacking Lorcan simultaneously, with a third piling on. As Lorcan fought the three canines, Paddy chased off the others. Derry finally emerged from the house, firing his shotgun into the air, causing the rest of the intruders to hastily retreat into the nearby woods.

Hannah ran into her son’s room to check on the toddler, while Derry made sure the pen remained secure. As he circled the coop, looking for any holes in the hexagonal wire, he could see Paddy licking Lorrie’s wounds, comforting his pal, while the chicks and hens quavered and nervously peeped and clucked, still afraid from the unsettling melee that just unfolded mere moments before. Meanwhile, the puma lay still, panting heavily, its mouth fully agape.

Derry picked up the wounded cat and carried it into the house, to the living room rug, putting the cat down on a towel Hannah spread out over the decorative mat. Lorcan droned a low, self-soothing purr, as the couple attended to its many wounds, cleaning and bandaging them. It was a long, hard night, but they managed to get through it and within a couple of weeks, the brave cat was back to his old self. Fortunately, the next incident wouldn’t happen for some time. But, when it did, it would put the entire family in mortal danger.

Time flew by in the McCray household and Joey was now a very precocious four years old. It was his birthday and Hannah baked him an oversized two-layer cake to celebrate. Lorcan was now fully grown and he and Paddy spent every minute in the kitchen, waiting for the occasional treat when Hannah cooked anything. The panther was now over two hundred pounds, stretching out at just a couple of inches shy of eight feet from nose to tail, and standing a full yard tall at the shoulders.

As Derry worked diligently on his next house project while his wife readied for Joey’s birthday party, the toddler enjoyed an afternoon swing in the backyard, where the chicken coop once stood. It was a lovely afternoon and children began to show up with their parents, carrying cards and presents for the occasion.

Hannah greeted the guests as they arrived, with Lorrie and Paddy accompanying her, flanking her on the right and left. Soon, the dining room buffet was full of gifts, with kids running in, out, and around the house, playing various games like duck, duck, goose, tag, and a treasure hunt.

The mood was jovial the entire time and the party was a big hit. All the kids cheered when Joey blew the candles out on the cake and dug into the sweet treat, clearing the sheet clean of every slice. It ended with breaking a piñata open as kids enthusiastically scooped up the candy and left on a sugar high.

“That was so much fun!”

“Yeah! I had a great time, mommy!”

“What did you think about it, dear?”

“Well, it was a real hoot. Now, let’s help your mother clean up this giant mess!”

“Sure thing! I’ll put all my presents in my room!”

“Okay, you do that, buddy. Your mother and I will take care of the wrapping and all the other stuff strewn around the house and out in the backyard.”

The family worked together, each doing their part to clean up and it soon became time for bed. While Joey curled up in his blanket, enjoying his favorite story, he faded fast off to sleep before his mother could finish. She kissed him on the cheek, tucked him in snuggly, and quietly snuck out of his room.

Derry and Hannah stayed up for a little while longer, reading books, before turning in for the night. A little past midnight, Derry awakened to a strange noise, it sounded like a chair being dragged across the floor. Then, it suddenly stopped. Curious, he got out of bed to investigate, but, it was dead silent and nothing seemed out of place. So, he returned to bed and drifted off to sleep, only to reawaken to a mysterious glow, coming from under the door. When he opened it, smoke began to pour in.

“Hannah! Hannah! Wake up! It’s a fire!”

She leaped out of bed and ran into Joey’s room, but he wasn’t there. She called for her son over and over again and he finally replied from the bathroom. Derry ran outside and turned on the garden hose, urging his wife to take their child and get out to safety. He tried to douse the flames, but it was already inextinguishable.

“It’s not going out! The whole place is going up in flames! Are you and Joey all right?”

“Yes. But, where’s Paddy?”

“I don’t know, let me see if I can find him. He’s probably in the backyard.”

Derry ran around to the rear of the house, but Paddy was nowhere to be found.

“Lorrie! Where are you boy?”

The cat emerged from under the porch, where it found refuge from the fire. Derry called Paddy over and over again, but there wasn’t any response or sight of the family dog. Then, a faint yet distinct whining and muffled bark came from inside the house – he was trapped.

Derry soaked himself with water and covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, then ran inside to retrieve the pet. He frantically searched, going from one room to another, before he was forced to run out by the thick smoke. Lorcan perked up, his ears twitching. Suddenly, he ran into the house, the family looking nervously on. Moments later, Paddy appeared at the door, with the puma, confidently nudging the previously trapped pooch toward safety.

Lorcan suffered minor burns, along with a few patches of singed fur, but recovered over the following months and Paddy miraculously escaped unharmed. Still, everyone was accounted for and safe. But, this wouldn’t be the end of Lorcan’s heroics. The plucky panther had more incredible feats in front of him and the next would become the talk of the town.

Well over three years had passed since the McCray family had rebuilt their house and Joey was almost eight. Life during that time was relatively mundane, or at least as normal as it could be living with a fully grown mountain lion. Then, one afternoon, Derry came home early – something that rarely happened. So, it took his wife and son totally by surprise.

“Daddy’s home!”

“He’s home? Well, that’s unusual.”

“Yep, he’s walking up the house now!”

“Really? Does he look like he’s in a good mood?”

“I’d say so, mom. I can hear him whistling!”

“Did you say he’s whistling?”


Hannah’s interest piqued. She rushed to the front door to greet her husband.

“A three-bedroom cabin in the woods for a week and it’s free?”

“Yeah; all taken care of. And guess what buddy? There’s a loft where you can sleep way up high!”

“But, what about Paddy and Lorrie?”

“They’ll both come with us!”

“Now, Derry, that isn’t very realistic.”

“Actually, we don’t have much choice. Where would they stay? I don’t know of any mountain lion lodging. Besides, no one else knows how to look after a panther – at least, not around here.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

Derry explained all the remaining details. A complimentary family vacation for five days and four nights in a real log cabin, complete with all the modern amenities anyone could ask for. Plus, all-expenses-paid excursions to some of the most exciting outdoor recreation in the area. It was a dream come true for the entire family, who couldn’t wait for the first day of their adventure to arrive.

“How about melting s’mores over the campfire tomorrow, Joey?”

“That sounds great, dad!”

“Mmmm…s’mores are yummy. I agree, that’s a wonderful idea, dear!”

Day four brought new experiences and the time flew by. The McCray’s spoke with fond enthusiasm about what they’d seen and done throughout their vacation over supper and after, Derry and Joey built a campfire. Hannah put together all the ingredients for s’mores and they enjoyed the tasty treats.

Derry decided to cap off the night with an old campfire story and as he wove the yarn, they heard a strange sound coming from the woods. The noise began as a rustling, then silence, followed by something that seemed to be loud sniffing and snorting. Quiet fell again, only to be interrupted by more rustling, sniffing, and snorting. A hush fell over the family of three, who listened carefully.

“What’s that, daddy?” Joey asked in a whisper.

“I don’t know, son.”

“Hannah, get up very slowly and take the boy inside.”

Hannah gently took Joey’s hand and started to lead the boy back to the cabin. But, before they took a step, a bear thrust its head out from the brush, lowering its head and huffing, swaying its body from side to side. The scent of a free meal attracted the predator, who was now staring down the family, determined to take what it came for.

“Hannah, Joey, both of you slowly get behind me and then casually walk backward into the cabin. Don’t scream. Don’t say a word. Just get inside.”

The bear approached steadily, closing the distance between it and the family of three. Derry nonchalantly leaned toward the campfire and carefully picked up a hot skewer. It wasn’t much, but it was the only thing he had to defend his wife and child from the bear, who continued to draw closer, clacking its teeth. Then, it suddenly pounded its front paws on the ground, huffing heavily.

Hannah and Joey moved behind Derry and began to back up toward the cabin. Then, the bear shoved its head down and charged right at them. Lorcan jumped between his adoptive family and the bear, hissing and growling. The bear and mountain lion locked onto each other, scratching and biting fiercely.

In a matter of seconds, the fight was all over and the bear ran away, back into the woods, not wanting to continue the confrontation. Lorrie laid on the ground, panting and wailing. The brave cat was badly hurt and its injuries appeared fatal. As Derry praised the puma for its courage, petting him gently, Hannah ran into the cabin to retrieve a first aid kit.

“That’s one fearless kitty you folks have got there!”

“We know, Doc Keene, we know!”

“I can’t believe he actually fought off a bear. He definitely doesn’t like wild bullies, be it a venomous snake or a bear.”

“And, coyotes, too!”

“What’s that, Joey?”

“Yeah, Hugh, some coyotes tried to get into a chicken coop we used to have and he fought off three of them all by himself!”

“Don’t forget about him saving Paddy, dad!”

“Your dog, Joey?”

“Yep. Lorrie saved him from a house fire.”

“Well then, that’s really something else, Joey!”

“Tell me doc, is our cat going to be okay? He’s not going to die, is he?”

“Well, I can’t give you a definite answer, I’m sorry to say, there little buddy. But, he’s got at least four more lives left. Now, why don’t you go fetch a lollipop at the front desk and I’ll talk to your folks about how to care for your cat, here, Joey.”

The veterinarian spoke with Hannah and Derry, giving them instructions on how to take care of the injuries over the next few weeks. “As you might expect, it’s important for him to rest, drink plenty of water, and change his bandages regularly. If something doesn’t seem right, just bring him back to me.”

That evening, Joey fed the puma and gave him fresh water to drink. The boy gently stroked its fur as he read one of his favorite stories to Lorrie and Paddy, who were curled up together. When he finished reading, he asked his dad what the veterinarian meant by Lorcan having four more lives.

“Oh, that’s an old wives’ tale. It comes from a myth that cats have nine lives. No one really knows where it began. But as I understand it, the superstition could go all the way back to ancient Egypt and their sun god, Atum-Ra. He took the form of a cat and supposedly gave birth to eight other gods – so, there ya’ go!”

“That’s interesting!”

“Yeah, sure is. Now, let’s get your mother to put you to bed. We’ve all had more than enough excitement and we need some solid sack time!”

Lorcan struggled over the following days after fending off the bear. But, the courageous catamount bounced back and was in good health before the end of the month. And, by that time, word had gotten around about his bravery. People brought toys, treats, and food for the puma to enjoy and the McCray residence became a household name in the area. Unfortunately, that type of attention and notoriety could easily lead to trouble, too.

Another three-plus years passed and Joey was eleven and in the sixth grade. Derry enjoyed a great position with his employer, and the family continued to welcome visitors who came to see their exotic pet. Some would take photos, while others brought journals, notebooks, and diaries for the puma to “sign” with its paw. Occasionally, guests would even leave a little cash with the family specifically for the privilege of feeding or petting the catamount. But, the family typically kept interactions to a minimum.

One afternoon, a strange man showed up, introducing himself as a traveling salesman.

“How is this day findin’ you, ma’am?”

“Fine, thank you.”

“I’m not from around here. But, I saw your house on my way and wanted to take a moment of your time, if you don’t mind?”

“No, not at all.”

“Ma’am, I represent an organization, a company that’s got some great new utility products you just might be interested in!”

“Oh, I see. So, you’re a salesman?”

“That’s correct, ma’am!”

“Would you like to come up to the porch, have a seat, and take a load off your feet?”

“That’s mighty nice of you, thank you!”

The man walked onto the porch and sat down in a rocking chair, then, opened a suitcase, containing a number of items. He spoke with Hannah about the products he was selling, including their uses and benefits. But, she couldn’t help notice that something wasn’t right and so she excused herself, telling him she would bring out a pitcher of lemonade.

When she returned with the cool drink and glasses, the man thanked her for the refreshment and enjoyed the fresh beverage. Once finished, the man picked out another item, showing it to her. She took it, looked it over, and after she handed it back, he pulled out a gun.

“Now, I hear this house has been raking in some big cash – I’m here to take it all off your hands!”

Hannah didn’t dare resist. Thankfully, her son was at school, but her husband also wasn’t home to protect her. She led the robber into the house and then to the kitchen, pointing to a large tin can. The bandit emptied the cash from the canister, stuffing it into his suitcase.

“You got what you came for, now please leave.”

“Yes, I’ll be on my way in just a moment. But first, give me all your jewelry!”

Hannah reluctantly walked into her bedroom and came back out with a small, padded chest, handing it over, her hands trembling the entire time. “That’s all we’ve got – now, please, go.”

“I’m afraid we’ll need the necklace you’re wearing, and that bracelet on your wrist, along with your rings.”

“You can have the necklace and bracelet, but please, don’t take my rings!”

She took off her necklace and bracelet and handed both over, but cusped her hand over her rings. The burglar grabbed her angrily by the arm and pried her hand open, then took her rings off her finger.

“No! No! Please don’t do this! Let me have my rings back!”

“Sorry about that, but it’s all goin’ with me,” the gunman said, putting the jewelry into the same bag. “Now, only one more thing and I’ll be outta here – where’s the cat?”

“The cat?”

“Yeah, ya know, that big cat you keep as a pet. I’ve heard tell it wears a solid gold collar.”

“I don’t know where you might have heard that, but it isn’t true!”

“I’d like to see for myself.”

“Well, he’s in his pen right now.”

“Show me!”

Hannah nodded her head and motioned the thief to follow her outside.

“Go ahead, see for yourself!”
“All right. He may not be wearing it. But, what’s in that little cave-lookin’ thing in the corner?”

“It’s his retreat. Sometimes he likes to go inside. My husband built it…modeled it after a mountain lion den.”

“Open it up!”

“I wouldn’t recommend that. He reads body language and yours will frighten him.”

The robber scoffed at the suggestion, chuckled, and repeated himself, “Open it!”

“Okay, if you say so, but I don’t want to startle him.”

“Quit stallin’!”

“Okay, if you insist.”

“I do. Open it, now woman!”

Hannah nodded, then stepped up to the gate. “You might want to take a step back.”

The burglar took a step back but kept his gun pointed at her, as she calmly unlocked the cage door. Then, he panicked when he realized his mistake, as Hannah whispered, “Go get him, boy!”

“I guess that robber wasn’t a very experienced criminal, or even bright and most definitely not a good shot. He missed every major organ. I can tell you without hesitation, that this guy is one fortunate kitty!”

“Thanks, Doctor Keene, for patchin’ him up…again. He seems to have a penchant for getting into trouble – makes me nervous that he’ll bite off more than he can chew one day and his long stretch of good luck will run plumb out!”

“So, he actually asked you to unleash a caged mountain lion?”

“Yeah, I really can’t believe he fell for it, but that just goes to show how greed can completely overrule common sense.”

“I suppose that’s correct. Now, make sure you keep his bandages clean and that he gets plenty of water. You might want to supplement his diet with more protein and a smidge more iron. That will help him recover a tad faster. At his age, he’s already considered an old cat. So, he’ll need a little extra to help him get healthy again.”

And get healthy again the panther did. The next two years were mostly uneventful and Joey was now over thirteen years old, making his way through the eighth grade. Derry was enjoying one of the best years in his career and he and his wife considered moving into a newer place, but ultimately decided to remodel their home.

Other families were doing the same, and new couples and families were also relocating to the area. That brought more jobs into the community, making it necessary to expand residential and commercial infrastructure.

Early one evening, after the McCray’s finished dinner, the family took a walk. Along their leisurely stroll, Joey noticed something he’d never seen before outside of Lorcan’s pen – cougar scat. But, it was quite a ways from their home. “Look, dad! I guess our big cat has been roaming further than we thought!”

“Could be, Joey. But, it doesn’t look like it belongs to Lorrie. It might be, but I kind of doubt it. It may well have come from another panther.”

“Is that even possible, dear?”

“Sure is, Hannah. All this expansion could be the explanation. Wild creatures are curious and garbage cans full of food are a prime lure. Probably a puma lookin’ for a quick and easy meal, I guess.”

About an hour later, after the McCray’s returned to their house, Derry’s suspicion proved correct. They heard a metal thud from outside and when the family looked out, saw an adult panther chomping down on discarded food. Lorcan woke from a nap, his nose sniffing away as he paced back and forth.

“Why is he doin’ that, dad?”

“I’m not right sure. But, it seems to me that’s a female out there and she’s taking advantage of an easy meal.”

“How can you tell from here, dear?”

“Well, it’s just a guess. But that cat is a lot smaller.”

The family watched as the cougar pawed through the strewn trash and ate bits of food. To their surprise, Lorcan walked over to the door, pawing at it, meowing for it to be opened.

“Now, I get it!”

“What? What do you mean, dear?”

“I think that’s a female and she’s in heat. Lorrie’s picked up on her scent. Best we don’t let him get near her, ‘cause where there’s a female in heat, they’ll be big ole males struttin’ around wanting to mate. Let’s keep our boy in the house until we know she’s gone.”

A couple of days passed, and no one in the family saw the pantheress during that time. It seemed like she moved onto new territory and Lorcan didn’t exhibit the same behavior. Late one afternoon, Derry and Joey gave him and Paddy a bath – a real treat for the dog and cat alike. Both loved the experience, especially being towel dried. Just as they finished up, the pantheress appeared in the distance.

“Joey, get Paddy inside, right away. I’ll put Lorrie in his pen before some ornery male comes lookin’ for her or for trouble.”

“Okay, dad! Let’s go, Paddy!”

As Derry led the cat into his pen, a larger male began to approach, and in an instant, the intruder was circling Derry. It lunged at him suddenly, but Lorcan stepped in front, hissing and growling, challenging the bigger panther. Without warning, a fierce fight broke out between the two mountain lions.

Derry swatted the larger male with a switch, but it didn’t have any effect. So, he ran into the house, grabbed his shotgun, hurried back outside, and fired a shot into the ground, near the scuffle. Some of the buckshot ricocheted, hitting the intruder in the hind, causing it to run away.

Lorrie was hurt badly. His throat trickled blood from a well-executed bite. Derry yelled for Joey to bring out bandages and a first aid kit. “Let’s get him to Doc Keene, right away, before it’s too late! Otherwise, I’m not quite sure he’ll even make it!”

Unlike previously, this time, Loran was very slow to bounce back from the wild confrontation. Even after his injuries healed, he exhibited markedly less energy and slept a lot more than usual. But, the resilient cat eventually returned to normal, though it took a while. He was getting older, an elderly male who lost a stride in his step. Still, word got around about the near-deadly encounter, and that ultimately brought unwanted attention to the family.

“Good afternoon, son! Is your mom or dad home?”

“Hey! My mom’s shopping right now, but my dad’s around. Want me to fetch him?”

“That would sure be nice of you, boy! Thanks!”

“Afternoon, sir! I’m Mike Jennings and this is my colleague, Hank Kenney. We’re with a travelin’ show – perhaps you’ve heard of it – Mister MacGlees Side Show Phenomenon.”

“Nope, can’t say I have. Would you gentlemen like a cool drink of water?”

“Oh, we don’t want to trouble you, Mr. McCray.”

“How did you know my name?”

“Well, you’ve got quite the reputation. I mean, at least your panther does. Word’s gotten around. And we’re here to present you with a business proposition – a lucrative one at that. Would you be interested in hearing what we have to say?”

Derry agreed and served his guests glasses of water, along with a plate of biscuits. They explained their employer had heard of Lorcan’s audacious actions and that people would pay good money to see and meet the mountain lion. The offer was nothing short of tempting but he declined and thanked the men for their interest.

“You’re leaving a whole lot of money on the table, Mr. McCray, a bunch of cash. But, if you change your mind, we’ll honor our offer. Now, keep in mind, it’s not good forever. We’ll be headed out next week and once we leave, we’ll have to reduce our price – travel expenses and time and trouble, you understand?”

“I sure do thank you gentlemen, but as I said, I’m not interested. He’s a part of our family and he wouldn’t fare very well with a traveling circus lifestyle. You see, he’s actually a lot more domesticated than wild, as my dear wife would say. Besides, I can’t do that to my wife and son, they all love him to pieces and he’d lose his best friend, the family dog.”

“All right, we respect you’re a man of principle and looking out for your family. But, it’s a decision you’ll come to regret. That’s why we’ll leave the offer as we presented it on the table until next week. We hope you take us up on it while it’s so high – be a real shame to settle for a lot less.”

“I appreciate your concern but I’m not going to change my mind. Lorrie is right where he belongs, with his family.”

The men shook hands. And when Derry went back inside, the two formulated a plan. After all, they weren’t going to fail on their mission to procure one of the most exotic acquisitions in the entire region and throughout the country. “I say we come back well past midnight the evening before we leave town and just take the cat. We’ll be well on our way before they even know it’s gone. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Three days later, the men returned, sneaking onto the McCray’s property, just after two in the morning. They arrived fully prepared, with a long-handled wire loop, a big net, muzzle, wire and bolt cutters, beef sticks, along with a powerful, ready-to-go tranquilizer.

“Now, all we have to do is get the cat and get out of here. The boss will pay us nicely for bringing him such an extraordinary prize. So, let’s do this quietly, huh?”

“Sure thing. Did you remember to bring the tranquilizer?”

“Oh yeah, and this time I really loaded it up. Enough to put it to sleep for good!”

“What’s wrong with you, a dead cat’s not going to do us any good.”

“I’ll just give it a little…unless.”

“Unless what?”

“Unless the same thing happens as last time we did this. Do I have to remind you how that turned out?”

“No, no you don’t. But, this time we’ll be more careful. Cause if you use that whole thing, all this sneaking around, all this time and trouble will be for absolutely nothing. That much tranq will do the thing in for sure.”

The two men crept around the property, careful not to make their presence known while making their way over to the panther’s pen. Slowly opening the gate, they snuck inside, trying not to make a sound to disturb the slumbering cat.

“Don’t wake it – we definitely don’t want to startle it. Just jab it with the syringe and give it a little tranquilizer. Then, we’ll wrap it up in the net and be on our way.”

When the needle pierced his skin, Lorcan woke, growling and baring its teeth, causing the men to jump back and drop the tranquilizer.

“Quick, quick, get the loop around its neck and I’ll throw the net over it!”

The men tried in vain to subdue the cat and all the commotion woke Derry from his sleep, yelling out the window, “What’s going on out there?”

“Oh no, he’s up! We’ve got to get this thing and get it now!”

They struggled and struggled, trying to stay away from its sharp claws and vicious bite. Finally, one of the men got the loop around the ferocious cat’s rear legs. “Stick it with the tranq! Stick it with the tranq!”

But, Lorcan wouldn’t give up, swatting fiercely away, with his claws fully extended, simultaneously trying to inflict a brutal, skin-piercing, bone-bruising bite on the would-be kidnappers. However, it only worked for a brief moment – the syringe stung the cat as it pierced deep into its hide.

Derry ran out of the house, shotgun in hand, yelling at the men, who hastily ran off the property, both suffering severe scratches, abrasions, and lacerations, along with shredded clothing. Lorrie lay completely still in his pen, knocked totally unconscious from the potent, deadly tranquilizer. Unfortunately, Derry didn’t realize the unseen danger.

“Good boy! Good boy! You sure did show those bad men. I doubt they’ll be back again.”

Derry gently picked up the immobilized cat and carried it into the house, as Hannah came into the living room to see what was going on. She stroked Lorrie’s fur and put her other hand over the cougar’s heart, causing her to listen carefully to his breathing. It was shallow and getting less pronounced.

“We’ve got to get him to the doctor right away!”

“He seems fine, dear.”

“No, he’s not fine – something is wrong, Derry, really, really wrong.”

“Well, I’m not a veterinarian ya’ know, but I think I’ve got your cat stabilized. You’ll have to take him to Hugh Keene for a follow-up, of course. But for now, I believe he’s out of the woods. Although, he needs proper attention. I just don’t have the experience, training, medicine, or the right tools to give him the care that he needs. But, I can tell you this – you folks did the right thing by bringing him to me. He’d be a goner by now, for sure, if you didn’t!”

“Thanks, thank you, Doc. I know you’re used to treating people. But, you’re the closest medical professional ’round here and he was in bad shape. So, we just brought him to you.”

Lorcan’s recovery took much longer than ever before. Still, the McCray’s managed to nurse him back to relatively good health over the following weeks. He rarely played with Paddy over the following months, who gave into his advanced age about a year later.

Another two years passed and the family celebrated the old cat’s fifteenth birthday by letting him gorge on a freshly-grilled cheeseburger, with some fries, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and a small slice of chocolate cake. Just a couple of days later, when Derry approached his pen with breakfast, Lorcan didn’t go into his usual, excited routine. Instead, he laid quietly in the corner, barely opening his eyes.

“What’s the matter, boy?”

The old cougar just panted, hardly moving.

“Oh boy, I guess, maybe it’s that time. You stay here and rest boy, I’ll be right back.”

“Hannah, you need to come outside.”

“Why? What is it?”

“It’s Lorrie, I think he’s ready to say goodbye.”

Hannah grabbed her husband’s hand as he hugged her tightly. They held each other for a moment, both failing to hold back their tears.

“I knew this day would come, I just wish it wasn’t for a long time. He’s been such a blessing to this house, to our family, dear.”

“I know, I know. But, he’s had a very good, very long life. I’ll get Joey, he’ll want to say goodbye, too.”

The family gathered around the old panther, petting him gently and sobbing. Joey sat on the ground and put Lorrie’s head on his lap. “We love you boy, we love you with all our hearts,” he whispered, hugging the cat as it took its last breath, crying, quivering, and grieving, “Nine is not enough…nine lives are just not enough!”

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