Music Theory

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Music theory is a set of practical disciplines that outline the methods and concepts composers, musicians, and others use in understanding, deconstructing, and creating music. Music theory allows musicians and composers to explain and describe elements found in any given piece, such as key signature, harmony, melody, and rhythm, Additionally, music theory helps composers and musicians identify chords, chord progression, intervals, scales, and more. With a working knowledge and familiarity, musicians and composers can more readily recognize musical qualities such as pitch, tone, timbre, texture, dynamics, and more.

Music theory is broken down into several elements. But widely, there are three main types: basic music theory, scale theory, and chord theory. Among these are different characteristics and elements. For instance, fundamental music theory largely consists of notation, values, time signatures, marks, tempo and volume, pitch, key signature, and transposition.

Meanwhile, scale theory consists of major scales, minor scales, modes, symmetrical and pentatonic scales, and patterns. Chord theory consists of a number of types, including major chords, minor chords, dominant and suspended, augmented and diminished, as well as others.

Music Theory:

Scale Theory:

Chord Theory:

Percussion/Drum Theory:

26 Standard American Drum Rudiments

Songwriting Basics:

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Modulation or Changing Key
Polytonality or Polyharmony
Types of Motion (Contrary, Oblique, Similar, & Parallel)

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