How to Create a Deuteragonist or Sidekick for Your Fictional Story

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Behind every great protagonist lies a remarkable deuteragonist or sidekick. These supporting characters play a crucial role in enhancing the narrative, providing depth, and adding layers of complexity to the story. They usually provide essential elements to a story that gives it more depth and can even take it from one mood to another. So, let’s take a look at this character and what it can do.

What is a Deuteragonist or Sidekick?

A deuteragonist, also known as a sidekick, is a supporting character in a story who is second in importance to the protagonist. They are often the protagonist’s friend, family member, or partner in crime. Deuteragonists can provide comic relief, offer advice, or help the protagonist overcome challenges. They can also serve as a foil to the protagonist, highlighting the hero’s strengths and weaknesses.

Why are Deuteragonists or Sidekicks Important?

Deuteragonists or sidekicks are important to a narrative because they can provide a number of benefits to the story and to the other characters. A well-written deuteragonist can do any of the following, whether it’s just a few of these things or a combination of many:

  • Add depth and complexity to the story. Deuteragonists or sidekicks can provide different perspectives on the events of the story, which can help to enrich the reader’s experience. They can also introduce new plot lines and themes.
  • Make the protagonist more relatable. Through interacting with the protagonist, deuteragonists or sidekicks can help to humanize the lead character and make the hero more relatable to the reader. This can make the reader more invested in the story and its outcome.
  • Provide comic relief. Deuteragonists or sidekicks can often provide comic relief, which can help to lighten the mood of the story and keep the reader engaged. This is especially important in long or dark stories.
  • Help the protagonist overcome challenges. Deuteragonists or sidekicks can often help the protagonist overcome challenges, either by providing practical assistance or by offering emotional support. This can make the protagonist’s journey more believable and satisfying for the reader.
  • Serve as a foil to the protagonist. Deuteragonists or sidekicks can serve as a foil to the protagonist, highlighting the main character’s strengths and weaknesses. This can help to develop the protagonist’s character and make them more complex and interesting.

Examples of Deuteragonists or Sidekicks

While reading the above explanation, you probably already thought of at least one deuteragonist. But, in case no one individual came to mind, here are some notable examples of deuteragonists or sidekicks in fiction that are easily recognizable:

  • Ron Weasley: Ron Weasley is Harry Potter’s best friend and a loyal sidekick. He is often the comic relief in the series, but he also provides Harry with emotional support and helps him overcome challenges.
  • Doraemon: Doraemon is a robotic cat from the future who is sent to help Nobita Nobi, a clumsy and lazy boy. Doraemon has a variety of gadgets that he uses to help Nobita, and he is always there for him when he needs a friend.
  • Gimli: Gimli is a dwarf who is a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. He is a loyal friend to Legolas and Aragorn, and he provides them with valuable assistance in their quest.
  • Mulan: Mulan is a young woman who disguises herself as a man in order to save her father from serving in the army. She is a skilled warrior and a brave leader, and she helps to save China from the Huns.
  • Samwise Gamgee: Samwise Gamgee is Frodo Baggins’s loyal companion in The Lord of the Rings. He is a kind and gentle hobbit who is always there for Frodo, even when things are at their darkest.

These are just a few examples of deuteragonists or sidekicks in fiction. For instance, Robin in Batman, Short Round in Indiana Jones, Donkey in Shrek, Goose in Top Gun, and Sam in Casablanca. There are many other examples, and each one is unique and interesting in its own way. 

Considerations for Creating a Deuteragonist or Sidekick

When creating a deuteragonist or sidekick, it is important to consider the following factors to make the character resonate with the reader and to make him or her a good companion or foil to the protagonist:

  • The protagonist’s personality and needs. The deuteragonist or sidekick should complement the protagonist’s personality and needs. For example, if the protagonist is shy and introverted, the deuteragonist or sidekick could be outgoing and confident.
  • The story’s setting and genre. The deuteragonist or sidekick should be appropriate for the story’s setting and genre. For example, in a historical fiction story, the deuteragonist or sidekick should be a realistic character or an actual person from that time period.
  • The deuteragonist or sidekick’s own goals and motivations. The deuteragonist or sidekick should have their own goals and motivations, which may or may not be aligned with the protagonist’s goals. This will help to create a more dynamic and interesting relationship between the two characters.
  • The deuteragonist or sidekick’s role in the story. The deuteragonist or sidekick’s role in the story should be clearly defined. Will they be a source of comic relief? Will they provide emotional support? Will they help the protagonist overcome challenges?

Steps to Create a Deuteragonist or Sidekick

In fictional storytelling, the protagonist takes center stage as the main character. However, a well-developed deuteragonist can add depth, complexity, and richness to your narrative. The deuteragonist, also referred to as the secondary or supporting protagonist, plays a significant role in the story’s progression and helps shape the protagonist’s journey. With this in mind, here’s what you need to know to create a strong deuteragonist:

  • Define their role: Determine the specific role the deuteragonist or sidekick will play in the narrative. Consider how their presence will enhance the protagonist’s journey and contribute to the overall story arc. Clarify their purpose and the impact they will have on the protagonist’s development.
  • Establish unique traits: Craft distinctive traits and characteristics for the deuteragonist or sidekick. Consider their personality, strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. These traits should complement or contrast with those of the protagonist, creating an intriguing dynamic between the two characters.
  • Develop their backstory: Create a backstory for the deuteragonist or sidekick that explains their motivations, goals, and experiences. Their backstory should provide depth and help readers understand their perspective and actions within the story.
  • Character arc: Design a character arc for the deuteragonist or sidekick, ensuring they undergo growth and development throughout the narrative. Consider how their relationship with the protagonist influences their own personal journey and how they contribute to the overall themes of the story. 
  • Dialogue and interactions: Craft meaningful dialogue and interactions between the deuteragonist or sidekick and the protagonist. Develop a rapport between the characters that reflects their unique relationship, shared history, and mutual support. Dialogue should reveal their individual perspectives, strengthen their bond, and advance the plot. 
  • Independent goals and challenges: Give the deuteragonist or sidekick their own goals and challenges independent of the protagonist. This adds depth to their character and allows them to contribute to the story in meaningful ways. Their personal journey should intersect with the protagonist’s, creating a tapestry of interconnected narratives.
  • Symbolism and themes: Consider how the deuteragonist or sidekick can symbolize or embody specific themes within the story. They can represent contrasting ideals, highlight different moral perspectives, or serve as a catalyst for the exploration of certain motifs. This adds layers of depth and resonance to the narrative.

In addition, allow the relationship between the deuteragonist or sidekick and the protagonist to evolve organically. As the story progresses, their bond should deepen, their conflicts should be resolved or intensified, and their influence on each other should become more significant. This dynamic evolution keeps readers engaged and invested in their journey.

What a Deuteragonist Can Do for a Story

Deuteragonists and sidekicks are indispensable elements in storytelling, enriching the narrative and providing essential support to the protagonist. Through their complementary relationships, emotional connections, and unique contributions, these characters elevate the depth and complexity of the story. So, embrace the significance of deuteragonists and sidekicks, and let their presence illuminate your fictional world, adding depth, tension, and meaningful relationships to your narrative.

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Owen is the creator and author of more than sixty original short stories and counting, including drama, crime, suspense, action and adventure, family, historic fiction, sci-fi, and slices of life. He is also a musician who has written extensively about theory.

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