Establish a Point of View (Step 5 of 11)

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Creating a point of view (POV) is an essential aspect of storytelling that determines the perspective through which the events of a fictional story are narrated. It influences how readers experience and interpret the narrative. Establishing a strong and consistent POV is crucial for engaging readers and immersing them in the world of your story. 

What is Point of View in Fiction?

Point of view (POV) is the perspective from which a story is told. It is the filter through which the reader experiences the events of the story. The POV can be from the perspective of a single character, multiple characters, or even an omniscient narrator.

Why is Point of View Important?

Point of view is important because it determines how the reader experiences the story. The POV can affect the reader’s emotional connection to the characters, their understanding of the plot, and their interpretation of the themes.

For example, a story told from the first-person POV will give the reader a more intimate look into the mind of the protagonist. The reader will be able to experience the events of the story through the protagonist’s eyes and feel their emotions.

A story told from the third-person POV, on the other hand, will give the reader a more objective view of the events. The reader will be able to see the events from the perspective of multiple characters and understand the motivations of all the characters involved.

How to Establish a Strong Point of View

Establishing a clear and well-defined point of view in fiction is a crucial element in crafting engaging and immersive narratives. It determines the readers’ connection to the characters, shapes their understanding of the story, and influences their emotional investment.

  • Determine the narrative perspective. Decide on the most appropriate point of view for your story. Consider the level of intimacy and knowledge you want to provide to readers. Assess how different perspectives will affect the readers’ understanding and emotional connection to the characters and events.
  • Develop a strong narrative voice. Draft a distinct narrative voice that reflects the chosen point of view. The voice should align with the character’s personality, tone, and worldview. Pay attention to sentence structure, word choice, and dialogue to create a consistent and compelling voice that resonates with readers.
  • Establish boundaries and consistency. Maintain consistency within the chosen point of view. Clearly define the limits of what the narrator can perceive, know, or express. Avoid sudden shifts in perspective or unexplained access to thoughts and emotions that go beyond the established boundaries.
  • Utilize internal dialogue and reflections. For first-person or limited third-person POV, internal dialogue and reflections provide opportunities to demonstrate the character’s thoughts and emotions. Use these moments strategically to deepen the readers’ understanding of the character’s motivations, conflicts, and growth.
  • Balance show and tell. Find the right balance between showing and telling. Show scenes and actions to immerse readers in the narrative, but also utilize telling to convey crucial information or provide necessary context. Remember, the point of view should enhance the story, not hinder its progression.

By carefully selecting the appropriate point of view, developing a strong narrative voice, and maintaining consistency, writers can create compelling stories that resonate with readers and leave a lasting impact. Embrace the power of point of view and unlock the full potential of your storytelling abilities.

Next →Standard Points of View in Fictional Stories

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Owen is the creator and author of more than sixty original short stories and counting, including drama, crime, suspense, action and adventure, family, historic fiction, sci-fi, and slices of life. He is also a musician who has written extensively about theory.

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